Important Dates:

 New Member Dates 2024:

The registration desk is open from 2.15pm.  To avoid being late for class, please arrive in plenty of time to complete your membership registration.

13th April

11th May

15th June

13th July

10th August

7th September

12th October  (5th October is the long weekend holiday)

9th November


NSDTC Trial Dates 2024

  • Saturday 13 January, Evening Rally RATG Trial
  • Saturday 20 January, Evening Scent Work Trial
  • Sunday 25th February, Double Dances with Dogs Trial (Erskine Park)
  • Saturday 16th March, RATG TRIAL, (8 Round Hill Rd, Wilton, NSW)
  • Sunday 28 April, Rally/Obedience Trial
  • Friday 21 June, Evening Scent Work Trial
  • Sunday 4 August, Agility Trial
  • Sunday 18 August, Tricks Trial
  • Sunday September 8, Double Obedience Trial
  • Sunday October 13, Scent Work Trial

Promotion Test Days 2024

3.00pm Saturdays.

April 13th
May 11th
June 15th
July 13th
Aug 10th
September 7th
Oct 5th
Nov 2nd